Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I know I should be grateful...

but this is too much!

we allowed you into our country (legally/illegally) for you to make a better life...
but useless you couldn't get a proper job.or did you thought that Malaysia is a place for easy money?

and when useless you couldn't get a job or just simply doesn't wanna work your black hairy ass off for some hard-earned money...you decided to spend your last Rm10 on a big parang and earn quick buck.

worthless,useless f*cktards!How i wished the tsunami had washed your whole nation away!for now..i wished that the whole bunch of you would starve to death and rott in HELL!bloody worthless...gah!even assholes worth more than you!at least they give us the ability to shit bloody hell...

I swear I'll never hold pity for any single one of you anymore..photos with half your head deflated?pieces of your rotting brains(oh you actually have one?) scattered on the roadsides...serves you RIGHT!

I'm sorry but this has gone too far...


ti3nD said...

what happen back in msia?

not even worth a 0.00000000001% to pity id*ots!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2211 calling