Monday, October 27, 2008

ahGirl's photoshoot

*pats*cough*cough*away*cough*accumulated*dusts*cough cough*

daily updates in Glasgow,monthly or even bimonthly updates once graduated+return home. I guess this is tradition...^^")

lots of tiny weeny bits of bloggable stuff,but I guess my laziness beats all of them hands down.bla.

anyway,here are shots of our new(okla,almost half a year dy) family member,ahGirl.



"jie jie where's my food?"

emo-ing again...
" like mah sexeh chest haaair?"
"mie si?!"
"mm oi yeng ngor laaaa *blushed*"

how old's she?human year's about 6months old,so i guess that made him 3.5 doggie year old?? enlighten me please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, cutie!! :D

Haha.. Hmm.. I tot 1 human yr = 7 doggie yr? So she should be around 4.2 doggie yr old? Kaka.. dunno really know leh since I never rear a doggie before.. XD XD