Wednesday, August 15, 2007

tO joan dear =)

remember this photo,gal? *click*

time just seemed 2fly aye? i remembered we were half way mugging through our sem4 eOs when v celebrated ur bday...n remember where v made a mistake on the number of candles v should put on it?haha...v thought v were so clever to remove the "extra" one...n v discovered tht u're actually...a wee bit older than us?XD

it was fun havin u around gal...u're one big chunk of my imu memories which i'll treasure..n thank without u,my journey with God might have ended...just there.thanks for being the sweetest thing....either as my sister in Christ,or as our mummy in taekwondo.

Happie Burfday gal! =)
lOve u to bits...
take care n melt everyone in seremban with ur smile kayz?

p/s:why didn pick up my call ler... *sniff* tht crz probably got d chance 2wish u earlier than me liao...yerrr~*flunk myself on bed*

1 comment:

crz said...

i win!!! muahahahahahahaha... ^^