Friday, January 05, 2007

i used to think ppl commiting suicide are a stupid lot,which doesn know jz how precious their lives are..but then,jz today...i felt suicidal.yes,the feeling was very strong...

although today's test only covers 29 pages of my module notes,i had been preparing for it since b4 christmas..when everyone used part of their christmas hols to do their dd report,i actually used up the WHOLE hols for the test..i dunno how many times i've repeatedly studyin the same thing,lookin at the same slides,same notes..countless hours in library...somehow,i felt well prepared for it.mum said she'll be waiting for my good news tonite..that i'll tell her i think i've done well today...

yup,a surprise happened today.a DISASTER.

lack of sleep maybe?had a weird feeling when i read the answers for a big part of the questions (Q22-29) possible can be find an answer when all of them seemed correct?most of my classmates were intelligent enuf to search for clues,but somehow..i tot i was the clever one,so i searched for the "MOST APPROPRIATE" the end,the puzzle was solved.


n the puzzle was solved when the answer sheets were passed up,when i was outside the mph...wth...

i was shocked.i tried to hold back my tears as i joined my frenz up to the LT for lectures...they were discussing bout CD POM. heck!somehow i take CD POM as schedule 3...all the while i was clear that CD POM is actually schedule 2 (i ACTUALLY told this to my fren when he asked me)...

n there goes...well,another 10 questions perhaps?

thinking of the fate of my pp paper,i couldn hold the tears anymore.i broke down...that minute,i feel suicidal.although it's only a test,it was enuf...i know all my stuff,i prepared well...but what happened now?!

the feeling's like being kick HARD at the head by...well...kai meng? K....O...! but i think i'll rather be KO-ed by him...coz at least i know i'll lost even if i fought...

nothin can be done now..desperately need to recover from it now n concentrate on my unfinished pp report,dd thesis report n prepare for the upcoming february tests...

m keepin my fingers crossed for my pp test...


Anonymous said...

Dun so sad le..You still have chance to improve the paper..Work hard oh..Jia You!

ah Foo said...

No worry junior! fight hard and keep your mind clear for the coming exams..especially the degree exams. remember, it was just a class test..the purpose of it is to let you know how to prepare for the real 1!! PP is tough, but you can overcome it..for sure.

Anonymous said...

dont sad dy larh k..

pp2 is up afta cny tim..

arrrrgggghhh!! dunwana think dy.....

happie studying ar k? :P

Anonymous said...

Don't worry its just a class test.. u still need to cope with lots of PP in the future.. keep it up!!

cYbeR FiSh™ said...

thanks ppl,whatz done is done...guess hv2 work super hard this comin test...=) pp test's result's out today...>_<"

cYbeR FiSh™ said...

passing mark:50/100
class mean 60+

i got 54...*wipes cold sweat*