Friday, October 12, 2007

*laughs out LOUD*

hope u enjoy watchin my housemates dancing lah...boy,aren't they good dancers?XD

luyi the ballerina...royal school of ballet uk graduate XD

wern...major in contemporary dancing,minor in drama.undergrad in royal school of ballet uk as well XDXD

qris...a very talented dancer as well.kicked out from royal school of ballet uk bcoz ballerinas are not supposed to go clubbin?o.O enjoyed clubbin n can party all nite..


n i certainly keep the best thing for the last...=)

mah boy hsheong!ain't he adoooorable?awwW~



yannee said...

chiu kapppp mouu deeekkkk houu gao siuuu ahh!!!
my fav is khangwern's dance cos she can throw her head up n down...xDD

Anonymous said...

i agree...khangwern won it hands down!!! fit...just like the real her dancing...but not as graceful though. haha!!! she wish...

Anonymous said...

hhaha..super cute wei..where's YOUR dance?? ;P -di-

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U! happy belated birthday! no present this year,sori! next year, get u a big big one !