Sunday, August 10, 2008


I have been procrastinating on my Greece trip post as the whole trip was just tooooo awesome to be restricted into ONE blog post with limited words+photos!shall blog on Santorini Island later.anyway,here goes...Athens,Greece.

- G.R.E.E.C.E -

and yes...this country was such as blast that it was 42°C. bye bye fair skin.bye bye nice graduation photos.bleh..

and many thanks to Ron who joined us last minute for all the amazing group shots!and i thought weimeng was the only good photographer in p105.

lol.hahahahahaha....ok inside joke. XD

yeap,16 of us.kudos to the bestest most popular tour guide of p105, mr.Ongsumiin!oh he's guy in stripe shirt doing his famous (",)v sign.

The famous Acropolis.We had to climb all the way up this dusty hill under the heat for this.and there were hell alot of people up there.It was so hot that for the first time I feared that I would have fainted due to the unbearable heat.It was really no joke.angmohs were seen topless(guys lah),tops rolled high up and some were even seen bathing(with clothes on) at the available public taps.We conservative Asians only dared to fill up our bottles at the public

nevermind not being able to visit the Beijing 2008 Olympics 'BirdNest' for I've been to the 1st Olympic Stadium in Athens!hohoho...ok i was lying.T_T

There were really too many ruins around Athens that I've actually lost count...not to mention remember the histories behind them.All we jakuns did was camwhore.and jump.and kena warned.

"hello!hello!come down come down!"
"hello!you must respect bla bla bla...cannot jump here..respect bla bla.."

he jumped

nobody was looking

Scandalous!got huawer somemore ler...sure got something wan!lol.

Yes!it was sooo dusty that you could feel small stones hitting on you(sakit can?!) whenever the wind was actually quite amazing that we survived after being there for at least 1hr.

and yes...he did it again.he was half way jumping to block our faces.bleh not successful.=P

coming to think of it...if it was not of the determination of our tour guide,this trip might not have existed.Greece so far the airticket was the my most expensive EasyJet flight leh.This trip,was indeed a dream come true for Cyber-Fish.^^

Santorini Island next!

1 comment:

ti3nD said...

the last picture of lauweeyeaw damn cute!!!! hahaha.